

The purpose of a grievance procedure policy is to provide a framework for employees to raise concerns or complaints about inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace and to ensure that such concerns are addressed in a fair, timely, and effective manner. The policy aims to provide a comfortable, productive, legal, and ethical work environment and to maintain a positive work environment with respect and responsibility towards each other. The policy also intends to prevent unnecessary employee claims and company legal exposure. The scope of the policy typically covers all employees, contractors, vendors, customers, or any other persons or entities related to the company.

Policy Statement

Reed International Logistics and Security is committed to maintaining a positive work environment where all employees, contractors, vendors, customers, and other persons or entities related to the company are treated with respect and dignity. In support of this commitment, this company provides a grievance procedure policy to ensure that concerns or complaints about inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace are addressed in a fair, timely, and effective manner.

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, customers, and other persons or entities related to the company. The company encourages the reporting of any conduct or activity that violates this policy or any applicable laws or regulations.

The company will address all concerns or complaints about inappropriate conduct or activity, including but not limited to harassment, discrimination, retaliation, or other unethical behaviour. The company will investigate all such concerns or complaints in a confidential and respectful manner and will take appropriate remedial action to address any substantiated violations of this policy or applicable laws or regulations.

The company will not retaliate against anyone for making a good-faith complaint or participating in any investigation under this policy. The company will also make reasonable efforts to ensure that no employee is subject to any form of retaliation by anyone for raising a concern or complaint under this policy.

The company will periodically review and update this grievance procedure policy as necessary to ensure that it remains current and effective in addressing concerns or complaints about inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace.


Common definitions:

  1. Grievance: A complaint or concern that an employee, contractor, vendor, customer, or any other person or entity related to the company has with regard to inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace.
  2. Fair, timely, and effective manner: A process that is unbiased, prompt, and successful in addressing concerns or complaints.
  3. Positive work environment: A workplace that promotes respect, dignity, and productivity.
  4. Harassment: Unwanted or unwelcome behaviour that may be verbal, physical, or visual and creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
  5. Discrimination: Treating individuals differently based on their protected characteristics, such as age, race, gender, religion, etc.
  6. Retaliation: Any adverse action taken against an employee for reporting or participating in an investigation regarding inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace.
  7. Confidential and respectful manner: A process that protects the privacy of the person making the complaint and any other involved parties and treats all parties with dignity and respect.
  8. Remedial action: Appropriate corrective measures taken by the company to address the violation of the policy or applicable laws or regulations.
  9. Good-faith complaint: A legitimate, honest, and reasonable concern or complaint made by an employee regarding inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace.


The following are the responsibilities of those involved in implementing, maintaining, and enforcing the grievance procedure policy:

  1. Management: The company’s management team is responsible for ensuring that the grievance procedure policy is implemented and maintained effectively. They will also ensure that all employees and related persons within the company understand the policy and their roles in carrying out its provisions.
  2. Human Resources Department: The HR department will be responsible for receiving concerns or complaints from employees or other parties and conducting prompt, impartial, and confidential investigations. They will also document all grievances or complaints and work with management to determine appropriate remedial action.
  3. Employees and Related Persons: All employees, contractors, vendors, customers, or any other related persons have a responsibility to report any inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace. They can do so by filing a complaint with the HR department or reporting it to their manager.
  4. Compliance Officer: The compliance officer will ensure all grievance procedures comply with applicable laws and regulations. They will also monitor the effectiveness of the policy and make recommendations for improvement as necessary.
  5. Legal Department: The legal department will guide and support the HR department and management in addressing complaints or concerns that may have legal implications. They will also review and provide feedback on the grievance procedure policy to ensure it is legally sound.
  6. Investigation Team: The investigation team will conduct impartial investigations into concerns or complaints raised under this policy. They will ensure the investigations are thorough, confidential, and respectful of all parties involved.
  7. Supervisors and Managers: Supervisors and managers are responsible for taking appropriate action to prevent or address any inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace. They will also cooperate with HR and the investigation team in addressing concerns or complaints raised under this policy.

All persons involved in implementing, maintaining, and enforcing the grievance procedure policy must collaborate to ensure the policy is effective. They must communicate openly and transparently and promptly take appropriate action to address any concerns or complaints.


Procedures for a Grievance Procedure Policy:

  1. Filing a Complaint:
    • Any employee, contractor, vendor, customer, or any other person or entity related to the company who has a complaint or concern about inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace should file a complaint with the HR department or their manager. If the complaint is about their manager, they should file it with the HR department.
    • The complaint should be detailed and specific and include the names of any witnesses or evidence that can support the claim.
    • The HR department will provide a grievance form to the complainant to document their complaint and to ensure that all relevant details are collected.
  1. Acknowledging the Complaint:
    • The HR department will acknowledge the complaint in writing within five working days and inform the complainant of the next steps.
    • The HR department will assess whether the complaint relates to conduct or activity that violates the policy or applicable laws or regulations.
  1. Investigating the Complaint:
    • The HR department will conduct an investigation into the complaint, which may involve interviewing the complainant, any witnesses, and the accused, if applicable.
    • The investigation team will conduct the investigation in a confidential and respectful manner and document their findings and recommendations for action.
    • The investigation team will recommend appropriate remedial action to the HR department and management.
  1. Reviewing the Findings:
    • The HR department and management will review the findings of the investigation report to determine whether there is a violation of policy or applicable laws or regulations.
    • If there is a violation, the HR department and management will determine the appropriate remedial action and inform the complainant and the accused if applicable.
  1. Providing Closure:
    • The HR department will inform the complainant of the outcome of the investigation, including the remedial action taken (if any), within five working days after the completion of the investigation.
    • The HR department will ensure that the complainant and any affected parties are not subject to retaliation in any form or manner and inform them of their rights if they still feel their concerns were not adequately addressed.
    • The HR department will also notify the accused if any action is taken based on the investigation and provide them with an opportunity to respond.
  1. Keeping Records:
    • The HR department will maintain records of all grievances or complaints filed and investigations conducted.
    • The HR department will periodically review the effectiveness of the grievance procedure policy and recommend changes if necessary.
  1. Escalation:
    • If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome provided by the HR department or if their complaint relates to policy violations by management, they may escalate the complaint to the compliance officer, who will conduct an independent review and provide the complainant with a written response within 10 working days.

The company aims to handle all complaints and concerns fairly, unbiasedly, and timely while ensuring that the privacy and dignity of all parties involved are respected.

Disciplinary Actions

The company takes the grievance procedure policy seriously and expects all employees, contractors, vendors, customers, or other related persons to comply. Failure to follow the policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contract.

The following are examples of potential disciplinary actions for violating the policy:

  1. Verbal Warning: A verbal warning may be given for minor violations or first-time offences. The employee or related person will be informed of the violation and advised on how to comply with the policy.
  2. Written Warning: A written warning may be given for more serious violations or repeated offences. The employee or related person will receive a written notice that outlines the violation and the consequences for future policy violations.
  3. Suspension: A suspension may be given for severe violations of the policy. The employee or related person will be suspended from work for a specified period and will not receive pay during the suspension.
  4. Termination of Employment or Contract: Termination may be given for repeated or severe violations of the policy. The employee or related person will be terminated from their job or contract with the company.

The company will determine the appropriate disciplinary action based on the severity and frequency of the policy violation. The company will also ensure that all disciplinary actions taken comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Employees and related persons who believe they have been disciplined unfairly may file a complaint under the company’s grievance procedure policy. However, filing a complaint does not prevent, delay, or change the disciplinary action taken.


All employees, contractors, vendors, customers, and related persons will receive training on the grievance procedure policy during their onboarding process. The training will cover the purpose and scope of the policy, the common definitions, and the procedures outlined in the policy.

Additionally, the company will provide all employees with annual refresher training on the policy. The refresher training will ensure that all employees are aware of the current policy updates and understand their roles and responsibilities under the policy.

The training will be conducted by the HR department, and the format and delivery of the training will be tailored to the needs of the audience. The training will be interactive and include scenarios that reflect possible situations that may occur in the workplace.

Upon completion of the training, all employees will be required to sign an acknowledgement form to show their understanding of the policy and its requirements.

The company will also ensure that all new employees, contractors, and related persons receive policy training before engaging with the company.

The HR department will maintain records of all training sessions conducted and ensure that all employees are up to date with the training requirements.

The company believes that training is essential to ensure that all employees and related persons understand their roles, responsibilities, and the procedures outlined in the policy. The training will help create a positive work environment that promotes respect, dignity, and productivity.

Review and Revision

Reed International Logistics and Security’s grievance procedure policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains current and effective in addressing concerns or complaints about inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace. The review of the policy will be conducted by the HR department in collaboration with the compliance officer, the legal department, and other relevant stakeholders.

The review will cover the following aspects of the policy:

  1. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations: The review will ensure that the policy is compliant with any new or updated laws and regulations related to workplace conduct.
  2. Policy Effectiveness: The review will assess the effectiveness of the policy in addressing concerns or complaints about inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace. The review will consider the policy’s timeliness, fairness, impartiality, and confidentiality.
  3. Training Effectiveness: The review will assess the effectiveness of the training provided to employees and related persons on the grievance procedure policy.
  4. Employee Feedback: The review will consider feedback from employees and related persons on the effectiveness of the policy and the procedures outlined in the policy.

Based on the review, the HR department and other relevant stakeholders will revise the policy as necessary to ensure it remains current and effective in addressing concerns or complaints about inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace.

Any revisions will be communicated to all employees and related persons, and training will be provided to ensure they understand the updated policy and procedures. The HR department will maintain records of all policy revisions and their effective dates.

The review and revision process of Reed International Logistics and Security’s grievance procedure policy will ensure that the policy remains current, effective, and compliant with applicable laws and regulations. The company is committed to maintaining a positive work environment that promotes respect, dignity, and productivity for all employees, contractors, vendors, customers, and related persons.


Resources and support available to employees under Reed International Logistics and Security’s grievance procedure policy include:

  1. HR Department: The HR department is responsible for receiving and investigating complaints of inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace. Employees can file a complaint with the HR department if they have concerns or complaints about workplace behaviour.
  2. Compliance Officer: The Compliance Officer is available to review any complaints raised by employees if they are not satisfied with the outcome provided by the HR department or if their complaint relates to policy violations by management.
  3. Training and Awareness Programs: The company provides all employees with annual training on the grievance procedure policy. Such training helps the employees understand their rights and responsibilities while discussing their concerns or complaints.
  4. Access to Support: The company provides access to counselling services and other support services such as employee assistance programs to help employees cope with the stress and anxiety that may arise from inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace.
  5. Whistleblowing “Hotline”: The company maintains a “hotline” for employees who wish to report any concerns or complaints without fear of retaliation. The hotline is confidential, and employees can raise any issue they believe requires attention from management or the HR department.
  6. Legal Department: The legal department offers guidance and advice to the HR department and management regarding complaints or concerns that may have legal implications.

The company is committed to providing its employees with the necessary resources and support to implement the grievance procedure policy effectively. Employees can feel safe and supported when raising any concerns or complaints they may have related to inappropriate conduct or activity in the workplace.