

Reed International Logistics and Security offers a comprehensive security training program designed by industry experts. Our program covers every security aspect, including physical security, access control, surveillance techniques, and emergency medical assistance. Our training is tailored to meet specific organisational requirements and can be customised according to individual needs.

Our Hostile Awareness Threat Training program helps individuals identify, assess, and manage potential threats in an ever-evolving security landscape. Our program ensures that employees are well-equipped to act decisively and appropriately in case of a hostile situation. We have incorporated the latest trends in security protocols to ensure that our training is up-to-date and relevant.

Qualified instructors conduct our Firearm Training program and cover all firearm safety aspects, including maintenance, storage, and usage. We use advanced technology and training aids to ensure all participants receive realistic and
 practical firearm training. Our training is designed to prevent accidents and ensure all employees are prepared to handle firearms safely and responsibly.

Our Medical Training program ensures employees understand basic first-aid principles and techniques, including CPR and trauma. In emergencies, medical assistance can be the difference between life and death, and our program ensures that employees are trained to recognise and respond to medical emergencies effectively. We continuously update our program to incorporate the latest medical training innovations.

Moreover, our program provides access to experienced security mentors who offer guidance and expertise on security strategies and tactics. Our mentors are highly trained and experienced, providing valuable, real-world expertise. They help employees understand the nuances of security and military tactics and provide insights on applying them best in unique situations.

Choose Reed International Logistics and Security for comprehensive training, experienced mentors, and up-to-date industry standards. Our training ensures that your employees are well-equipped to handle any threat or emergency.