


Reed International Logistics and Security is committed to providing high-quality services and maintaining our reputation of reliability and professionalism. We understand that there may be times when our clients, customers, or stakeholders are dissatisfied with our services or encounter issues related to logistics and security.

This policy aims to establish a structured, fair, and timely process for handling complaints about our logistics and security services. It is the company’s aim to resolve complaints and address any areas for improvement quickly and effectively. This policy applies to all Reed International Logistics and Security Services complaints.

This policy applies to all Reed International Logistics and Security employees, temporary contract workers, clients, customers, stakeholders, and other individuals or organisations interacting with our services.

The policy establishes a procedure for reporting and addressing complaints related to logistics and security services. The types of complaints covered under this policy may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Delays in delivery or transportation
  2. Damaged or lost goods
  3. Inadequate security measures
  4. Unsatisfactory customer service
  5. Issues related to billing or pricing.
  6. Concerns related to safety or regulatory compliance.

Reed International Logistics and Security is committed to ensuring all complaints are taken seriously and handled promptly and efficiently. We encourage all customers, clients, and stakeholders to report complaints to us, and we strive to ensure that all complaints are resolved fairly and to the satisfaction of all parties involved.

Policy Statement

At Reed International Logistics and Security, we are dedicated to providing an exceptional experience for our clients and staff. We understand that our employees are essential to our operations and the success of our business. As such, we take all complaints seriously, whether they come from clients or staff members, and strive to address them promptly and fairly.

Our complaints policy covers a formal and systematic approach to handling all kinds of complaints with transparency, empathy, and efficiency. We aim to provide clear communication channels and open lines of dialogue to help identify and resolve any concerns our staff members may have. Handling complaints from staff with respect, understanding, and confidentiality is a core value of our company culture.

We are committed to thoroughly investigating each complaint to understand the situation and determine the best course of action. Our policy also recognises that some complaints from staff may require further investigation, involve third parties, or require confidentiality. In these cases, we will work closely with the persons involved and provide regular updates on the progress of the issue.

We appreciate the frustration and inconvenience that any complaints from staff may cause, and we will work to find solutions to the best of our ability. At Reed International Logistics and Security, we firmly believe in empowering our employees, taking their feedback seriously, and ensuring their satisfaction by continuously improving our processes.

We understand that happy, satisfied staff leads to exceptional service for our clients. Therefore, we encourage all staff members to provide feedback and report any concerns we can address to improve their working experience.

Reed International Logistics and Security value complaints from clients and staff members and is dedicated to resolving them with the utmost transparency, fairness, and efficiency. If you have a complaint or concern, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will do our best to resolve the issue promptly and with the utmost professionalism and dedication.


Some common terms used in the context of handling complaints may include:

  1. Complaint: A formal expression of dissatisfaction with the services provided by the company.
  2. Client: Refers to any individual, group, or entity, including customers, stakeholders, or partners, who have engaged in business or services with Reed International Logistics and Security.
  3. Resolution: Refers to the outcome or solution agreed upon between the company and the client that addresses the issue raised in the complaint.
  4. Investigation: Refers to the process of examining the complaint, gathering relevant information, and determining the root cause of the issue.
  5. Communication channels: Refers to the available methods for clients to file a complaint, such as a phone, email, or online portal.
  6. Confidentiality: Refers to protecting sensitive or personal information, as required by the company’s privacy and data protection policies.


The implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of the Complaints Policy at Reed International Logistics and Security is the responsibility of all employees, including management and support staff.

All employees are expected to follow the established procedures for handling complaints and to ensure that clients are treated with respect, empathy, and fairness. They are also responsible for promptly reporting any complaints or concerns to the appropriate manager or supervisor.

Managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that the Complaints Policy is effectively implemented and maintained within their respective areas of responsibility. They are also responsible for investigating complaints, identifying the root causes of the issues, determining appropriate corrective actions, and ensuring that the corrective actions are implemented and effective.

The Chief Operating Officer is ultimately responsible for overseeing the implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of the Reed International Logistics and Security Complaints Policy. The COO will review and update the complaints policy regularly to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

All employees have a duty to report any violations of the Complaints Policy, or any other concerns related to handling complaints to their superiors, the Chief Operating Officer, or the designated person for handling complaints. Any individual found violating the complaints policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment in serious cases.


  1. Complaint procedure:
    • Clients who wish to make a complaint should contact us immediately by email, phone, or letter. We will acknowledge receipt of the complaint immediately and advise the client of our process for handling it.
    • We will assign a complaints handler to the matter, who will be responsible for managing the investigation into the issue.
    • We will thoroughly investigate the matter, including reviewing any relevant documentation and communicating with our staff and any other parties involved.
    • We will inform the client of the outcome of our investigation in writing, which will include our conclusions about the matter, any remedial steps to be taken, and any further actions required.
    • We aim to conclude the investigation and respond to the client within seven working days of receiving the complaint. However, it may take longer to resolve an issue in some cases, and we will advise the client accordingly.
  2. Escalation procedure:
    • If the client is not satisfied with our response to their complaint, they may escalate the matter to a senior member of our team.
    • The senior member of our team will conduct a further investigation into the matter and provide a written response to the client.
    • If the client is still unsatisfied with the result, they can escalate the issue to a regulatory body or a recognised conciliation and arbitration service.
  3. Confidentiality procedure:
    • We understand that some complaints may be sensitive and require confidentiality.
    • We will take all reasonable steps to keep the matter confidential, including limiting access to information and ensuring that only authorised personnel are involved in the investigation.
    • We will advise the client of any limits to confidentiality and seek their consent before making any disclosures to relevant parties.
    • We will ensure that all personal information is handled in accordance with relevant data protection laws.
    • Review procedure:
    • We will regularly review our complaints policy to ensure it remains effective.
    • We will seek feedback from clients on the policy and make any necessary changes to address feedback and improve the policy’s effectiveness.
    • We will conduct a formal review of the policy annually.

Disciplinary Actions

We will take appropriate disciplinary measures if any employee fails to follow our complaints policy. The level of disciplinary action will depend on the severity of the issue and may range from verbal warnings to termination of employment.

We believe in ensuring all our employees understand our complaints policy’s importance and procedures. As such, we provide regular training and support to all our staff to ensure they can handle complaints with professionalism and empathy.

We encourage all employees to promptly report any concerns about our complaints policy or any potential breaches. We will investigate and take appropriate action for any such reports to ensure that our clients receive the high level of service they deserve.

We are committed to providing excellent services at Reed International Logistics and Security and believe that complaints are opportunities to learn and improve. By handling complaints fairly, transparently, and confidentially, we aim to establish trust with our clients and maintain our reputation for impeccable service.


We understand that handling complaints requires knowledge and skill, so we prioritise training and education for all employees who may receive or manage complaints.

All employees will be informed about this complaints policy and their responsibility to follow it as part of their onboarding process. We will also provide ongoing training to ensure that employees understand the processes and procedures and can implement them effectively in their roles.

We will monitor compliance with the policy and provide additional training and support to employees as necessary. We believe that effective complaint handling is a shared responsibility, and we encourage all employees to communicate openly with clients and respond professionally and appropriately to complaints.

Review and Revision

We are committed to continuous improvement at Reed International Logistics and Security and will regularly monitor and review this complaints policy to ensure its effectiveness.

We will conduct a formal review of the policy annually or as needed to ensure that it remains up-to-date and relevant to our business and the needs of our clients.

We will consider feedback from clients, employees, and other stakeholders in the review process and make any necessary changes to the policy to improve the handling of complaints.

If significant changes in legislation or regulations affect our complaints policy, we will update the policy to reflect those changes promptly.

We will communicate any changes to the policy to all employees and ensure that all employees are trained on any changes that may affect their roles. We believe that regular review and revision of our complaints policy will help us maintain our high service standards and responsiveness to client needs.


At Reed International Logistics and Security, we want to ensure that all employees have the resources and support they need to comply with our complaints policy. Some of the resources and support available to employees include:

  1. Complaints handling training: We provide training to all employees who may receive or manage complaints. The training covers the policy’s procedures, best practices for handling complaints, and communication skills necessary for effective resolution.
  2. Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Our company offers an EAP that provides confidential counselling services and resources to employees to manage workplace issues or personal concerns that may affect their work performance.
  3. Ongoing support and guidance: Our senior and management teams are committed to ensuring that employees understand the complaints policy and have ongoing support and guidance on how to handle complaints effectively.
  4. Access to legal advice: In cases where legal advice is required, we have access to external legal counsel to provide assistance as needed.

We believe that providing adequate resources and support to employees is critical to our ability to handle complaints effectively and maintain our high standards of customer service. Our employees can be assured that they have our full support in delivering the best service, even in difficult situations.